Our accommodation can be booked if you are coming to the centre on a residential booking. The exceptional sports facilities at Inverclyde are backed by outstanding accommodation and dining services, as well as 24-hour customer support. Our reception desk is staffed 24/7, so our staff are on hand to help whenever you need them.
All of the 60 twin bedrooms at Inverclyde have been designed with athletes’ needs in mind.
They offer:
- Extra-long beds
- More floor space to accommodate bags, kit and accessible mobility
- Seamless en-suite wet rooms
- Blinds and blackout curtains to aid sound sleep
- Acoustic design that minimises noise
- Radiant thermostatic temperature control
- Wi-Fi
- Floor-to-ceiling windows with sea views or rolling landscapes
Eight of our bedrooms have adjoining doors and six of these contain a hoist, ideal for guests who need additional support. Please ask about availability when booking.
Four extra-large lifts to all floors minimise waitingtime and ensure the centre is suitable for all users, including wheelchair athletes. All of the lifts operate in the event of an emergency, allowing for the safe evacuation of up to 120 wheelchair users within an hour.